Tuesday 13 September 2011

►► Challenge The Rules

Here's something unconventional:

You've got to BREAK the RULES to have any kind of

Think about it:

If you want a successful brick and mortar business, don't do
what 90% of business owners do. Break the rules and do what
the successful 1O% are doing.

If you want to be financially secure, don't look to those
you generally hang out with - break the rules and
find someone who IS financially secure and lap up everything
they've got to share with you.

If you want a happy relationship, don't ask those silly
astrologers or getting on to online forums or asking those who
still have rocky fiery relationships - break the rules and
find a couple who have a relationship to die for.

If you want to make a nice monthly packet from the Internet,
and you'd like to make it FAST, you don't want to load up
your hard drive with a ton of cheap ebooks and downloadable
products you'll never find time to read of get through...

- Break the rules and find someone that has done what you want
to achieve...

If the last example, sounded like you... then YOU'LL WANT TO

And visit the website below...


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